The autumnal season is for soup…

Gradually, it has got colder outside, and the leaves have begun to fall from the trees – which means autumn is finally here! Autumn walks have a special magic about them, but there is also often a windy chill in the air. Afterwards, when we are cold, warm soup is always the solution to get cosy and comfortable at home. Soup is not only totally healthy and nutritious, but it also gives us that warm and snug autumnal feeling.

The variety of soups is extensive – there are just as many different soup recipes as there are colours of leaves that fall to the ground in autumn. Cream soups with vegetables are particularly popular. In autumn, pumpkin soup is the most popular. If the soup possesses a touch of spiciness and is packed with a variety of vegetables, it does both the body and the soul a favour.

You don’t have to be a top chef to prepare a good soup. The nice thing about soup recipes is that you can change and adapt them to your taste. That way, the results are (almost always) good. The recipe below can be prepared very quickly and tastes wonderful. If you prefer it less spicy, just leave out the ginger. If you like it hotter, add curry paste. If you do not like coconut milk, replace it with cream. The recipe is very individualistic to fit any personal taste!

Most children also love to sample soups of all kinds. So, soup is an easily prepared dish for the young and the old and is guaranteed to get a good reception. So why not precook a large quantity and then freeze it? The best method is to separate the soup into portions, and transfer to a tightly sealable thermo cup! The Rotho memory cup can be easily put in your handbag and can even be reheated in the microwave and washed in the dishwasher. There is no easier way to pack a nutritious lunch for work.

Organisation is also important when cooking…

A tidy workplace is of the utmost importance when cooking. This is the only way to have everything at hand quickly, whilst also not letting the kitchen get lost in the chaos. Here is some guidance on how to do this:

  1. First, clear your work surface – everything you don’t need for cooking will only take up unnecessary space.
  2. Start with an empty dishwasher. This way you can fill it up multiple times while you’re cooking.
  3. Then, get all the ingredients and utensils ready. If you are cooking from a new recipe, read it well to the end and make sure you have everything you will need at home.
  4. Clean up as you are cooking. This means that you can rinse a bowl and put the garbage in the trash can in-between the cooking steps. Especially when cooking soup, as a lot of organic waste is produced. So, it is very practical and efficient if you can chop it and dispose of it into the compost garbage can right away. The Albula from Rotho can be left on the work surface without any problems because it is aesthetically pleasing, and no unpleasant smells can escape. The lid can be opened completely so that carrots or potatoes can be peeled directly above the bucket and nothing falls outside of it. While the soup is simmering, you can already begin cleaning the knife, chopping board and work surface

But now, get to the soup pot! Have fun with your cooking and bon appétit!


Ingredients (makes approx. 4 portions):

1 onion
About 700 g pumpkin (Hokkaido or butternut)
4 carrots
1 potato
1 cube of vegetable broth
2 cm ginger
400 ml coconut milk
Approx. 700 ml water
Approx. 2 tablespoons of oil


Chopping board
Vegetable peeler

For garnishing:

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seed oil

Preparation: (total time approx. 30 minutes)

First, chop the onion and gently fry in oil in a large pot.
Peel carrots, pumpkin and potatoes and cut them into 2 cm pieces. Add these pieces to the onions and fry briefly. Peel the ginger and chop or grate it very finely and also add it to the pot.

Tip: Ginger is best peeled with a spoon. To do this, simply scrape carefully over the ginger with the edge of a small spoon.

Season with salt and pepper, add water, coconut milk and bouillon cubes. Bring it to the boil and let it simmer for about 20 minutes on medium heat.

Puree the vegetables well so that no pieces are leftover. Water can be added to achieve the desired consistency.

Tip: Check if the vegetables are cooked soft enough before pureeing.
Garnish the soup with pumpkin seeds and a dash of pumpkin seed oil. A piece of bread goes very well with it, complementing the overall meal.