A mobile Crafting Station

A centralized painting and crafting station can be something extremely effective and practical. Finally, there’s no more searching all over the house for the kids’ scissors or the pink glue that your daughter absolutely needs to finish her artwork. The eternal search robs one not only time, but also strength.

A painting and crafting station is easy to create. A rolling container, such as the COUNTRY Tower, is wonderfully suited for this purpose, as it can be effortlessly moved from room to room thanks to its wheels. Mobility is a big advantage, because with small children you might not want them to have permanent access to all painting or crafting utensils. This avoids unwanted artwork on the couch, wallpaper and dining table. For older children, the advantage is that they can quickly and easily change the location to determine whether they prefer to give free rein to their creativity in the children’s room or in the living room or to do their homework.

Since the COUNTRY Tower has three drawers, the painting or crafting items can be stored in three different categories. Depending on interest and use, these can be filled very individually. Do you paint more than you craft? Then an entire drawer can be used for paper. If more attention is paid to the crafting itself, the crayons and paper can take up only one drawer.

Here is a possible example of how the subdivision might look:

The first drawer can hold the coloring supplies, such as crayons, markers, sharpeners, erasers, and the like. For this purpose, the respective categories should be stored separately from each other in smaller, if possible transparent containers, so that it is prevented that, for example, the pencils lie around loosely and can be removed again with difficulty. In the second, the papers. In the third box can be stored exclusively the craft items, such as scissors, glue, ironing beads, pom poms, glitter and whatever else the heart desires.

The country boxes are easy to remove and if something should leak or spill out, they can be easily and simply cleaned.

Not everyone wants to have the painting and crafting stuff constantly in view, the COUNTRY Tower fits stylishly into any living area, whether it is now children’s or living room.

So that everything can be found quickly, it is advisable to label the three drawers or provide them with a pictogram or picture. Even for people not living in the household, such as grandma, grandpa, aunt, etc., it is thus easy to see where what is located.

To stay with the example above, the three drawer categories could be labeled or pictured as follows:

Painting utensils


Crafting utensils

Finally, a little tip:

To ensure that the painting and crafting station always remains nicely organized, it is important to involve all the people who use it in the structure and explain it so that everything finds its way back to its place. Routines are the key to making it a habit to know where things belong. Younger children can always be reminded, eventually it will become a habit. Everyone will eventually benefit from knowing where to find what, when needed.

So nothing stands in the way of a painting and crafting station.

Have fun crafting, painting and being creative!