In times of home office and home schooling, it is often not possible to do one’s work consistently at one’s own desk. There are more family members at home than usual. And while one still needs help with homework, the other doesn’t want to sit in the room alone. Mum might have to make a video call and still have to watch the youngest ones who are playing in the living room… It’s important to be flexible and often a living room becomes not just a place to relax and watch TV, but the centre of family chaos. The dining table quickly becomes a small office for daughter and dad. 

If the table has to be cleared quickly because it’s dinner time or put away at the end of the day, no one really knows where to put it and it often ends in chaos. That’s why we use the 18 litre COUNTRY containers with lids. Each one is labelled by name and offers enough storage space for all paperwork and exercise books. Things can be quickly stored there, it looks neat and tidy and when Dad has to go to the office the next day, he can simply put the whole basket in the boot.

Dad also has a special filing system in the A4 PURE box to separate private and business documents and an inbox for letters that still need to be processed. These also fit perfectly in the COUNTRY box or can be used directly as storage on the desk. 

It is also nice when the living room actually remains the living room and all foreign objects have been put away. With a single wipe, all the items can be packed into the respective COUNTRY container and conveniently taken upstairs to the children’s rooms – until they have found their way back downstairs. But at least for a moment, order has been restored and one is relaxed because one knows how easy it is to restore order.