Does your wardrobe sometimes smell a bit musty? Is it verging on overcrowded? Or could it just use
some inner beauty? If this sounds about right, then the following tips are perfect for you!

Sorting is half the battle…

The first step to a tidy wardrobe is always the sorting out stage. Because let’s be honest, a lot of us have too many clothes. So, to begin, pick out all the clothes that you no longer wear. You might find that you don’t wear them because they are damaged, no longer fit, or perhaps they are just no longer your style.

Do you have trouble saying goodbye to your clothes? If so, try to realise how long it’s been since you wore the item that you are attempting to part with. There are several ways to do this:

1. The next time you organise your wardrobe, hang the hangers in the opposite direction to where you would usually hang them. While hanging the worn garment back up, turn the hanger. If the hanger hasn’t changed its position after six months, then this is a sign that you haven’t worn this item at all. Then, you have confirmation that you can indeed part with the garment.

2. If you want to do something crafty and creative instead, hang pretty ribbons on the hangers with the date of the last use.

3. For your folded clothes, put a piece of paper with the current date at the top of the stack whilst sorting. What you find underneath after 6 months, you most likely won’t wear in the future.

Have you already organised a few pieces of clothing? This is great, but don’t just throw the items away; you should consider selling, giving away, or donating undamaged clothing.

The average German buys 60 pieces of clothing every year! To ensure that your wardrobe isn’t overcrowded after the next season (which brings with it more shopping, equalling more clothes), you can adhere to the following rule: Every time a new piece of clothing moves into your closet, an old one moves out.

A picture book wardrobe

Do you attach particular importance to your wardrobe not only being tidy, but also to looking appealing from the inside? Then classify your clothes by colour. For example, arrange them by gradient, hanging up lighter clothing at one end, transitioning to dark at the other. Or place garments of similar colours on top of each other. If you use storage boxes in your wardrobe, choose them in a single colourway that you like. A harmonious wardrobe will always have hangers that look the same, matching up and coordinating the wardrobe.

Consider a seasonal wardrobe

To create additional space in your wardrobe, you should only store what you really need at one time. Is the weather outside getting warmer? Then sort out your winter clothes and store them in places outside of your wardrobe. For example, under the bed, or perhaps in the basement or attic. It is best to use transparent storage boxes for this. This way, later on, you know what you are storing in them. Alternatively or additionally, you might want to label the boxes for organisational purposes.

Maintain an overview

So, you already have all the clothes you don’t need right now stored in boxes? Maybe you’ll come across the following problem: At the beginning of next season, you unpack your clothes from the boxes and notice that you’ve bought a new grey knitted sweater, only to find that you already own three similar ones.

To prevent you from forgetting what you already have at home, you should document the contents of your storage boxes carefully. The best way to do this is to take pictures when packing up the boxes. Or you might wish to write down exactly what is inside them instead. Alternatively, there is also the option to use the App AppmyBox. This application for your smartphone allows you to register the boxes and assign garments to them in the form of photos.

Use drawers and roll your clothes

Your wardrobe doesn’t have to consist of only coat hangers and shelves. Drawer storage can also be very advantageous, as long as your drawers are using the optimal organisation system.

Start by dividing your drawers into sections, coordinating with matching baskets or boxes. To maximise space in the compartments and make everything clearly visible, roll up your socks, tights, underwear and belts. Drawer dividers are also useful to not only help keep things tidy, but also to show you, at a glance, when you need to do your laundry again.

You can also use the rolling technique for T-shirts, pyjamas, cotton shirts, leggings and polyester shorts, because these types of garments are usually thin and flexible. This technique can be very space-saving if used correctly. Instead of folding and stacking your softer, thinner clothes, you are simply folding them in half and rolling them into clean and neat little tubes. When rolled up, you can then transfer to storage boxes.

A wardrobe is a place where many small things can be stored: jewellery, belts, scarves, and ties to name a few. The best way to store small items and jewellery is to use adhesive hooks, which can attach to the inside of the wardrobe door, or an empty wall.

A sweet-scented wardrobe using your old socks!

Perhaps you are familiar with it, that very particular smell coming from somewhere deep within the wardrobe. The source of the smell: clothes that haven’t been worn in a very long time. So, from time to time, wash those neglected clothes, and make sure you open the doors every so often to let the wardrobe air out for a few minutes. Since dust collects in your wardrobe, you should also wipe down the shelves regularly.

There is also a little trick that you can use to keep your wardrobe forever smelling fresh. All you will need is an old sock, 2 or 3 tea bags, essential oil and a ribbon. Place the tea bags inside the sock, add a few drops of the fragrant oil and tie the sock at the top with the ribbon – that’s how quickly and cheaply you can create an air freshener at home for your wardrobe.

If these tips are not enough for you and you need a step-by-step guide to organise your wardrobe, you can find our detailed 8-step plan here: